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Dan Rodriguez from Access Fixtures, is with us to discuss an awesome program called AGi32. Thanks Dan!


Working at Access Fixtures is really fun because every day is different. One day I may be helping someone design lights for a tennis court, and the next day I might be assisting someone with custom painted bollards for a theme park. It’s always fun to help people meet their lighting goals for any type of job.


AGi32 is a program we use to calculate photometrics and design lighting for various projects. It’s a really important part of the process when working with a customer, because we can test an approved design with various types of fixtures to find out the best price and light quality match. Sometimes it can be difficult to find exactly the right type of light without first using AGi32 to design a layout and test various fixtures with different types of bulbs in various light outputs. With AGi32, we can determine the footcandles for any given lighting layout or design, and accurately assess how much light will be produced.  Additionally we can figure out how many fixtures will be needed to achieve the perfect lighting.


Additionally, customers can approach us with a general idea of what they want and we can create different mock-ups to show multiple solutions, including advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as pricing and availability. This way customers are always satisfied with the products they choose, because they know exactly what they’re getting. Recently while working on a tennis court I had to try many types of fixtures and layouts to attain the competition quality lighting that the customer requested. In the end, we were able to come up with a few options for him, and he was extremely happy with the results.


Give us a call today and we can run a photometric and design analysis for you! 800-468-9925


or click here for more information about Access Fixtures.