LED Wall Pack Replacement vs. Retrofit Kits

A report by the Department of Energy shows that market penetration for LED lighting is steadily growing. Energy savings and a long-term reduction in maintenance costs have made LED lighting a compelling option for property managers. However, transitioning away from traditional lamps or light fixtures can be tricky and the initial cost can be daunting. Customers frequently want to know which route is the most cost-effective; is it better to replace an entire light fixture or invest in LED retrofit kits?

Key Takeaways

    • LED Lighting Market Growth and Benefits LED lighting is increasingly popular due to energy savings and reduced maintenance costs.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Retrofit Kits vs. New LED Fixtures New LED wall pack light fixtures are now more cost-effective and efficient than lighting retrofit kits.
    • Long-Term Savings and Efficiency Replacing old wall packs with new LED wall packs offers significant energy savings, increased light output, and reduced maintenance costs.

What Are LED Wall Pack Retrofit Kits?

Recently, we received a call from a customer seeking to replace his outdated metal halide wall pack lights with an LED wall pack replacement. One option was LED retrofit kits, which reuse the existing fixture housing emptied of all its components. New LED retrofit kits and LED drivers are installed within the fixture body. Traditionally, these kits have been cheaper at installation. However, they are less efficient than new LED wall packs, require more labor to install, and have a shorter operating life of around 50,000 hours compared to 100,000 hours for new LED wall packs.

While retrofit kits may initially save money, new LED wall packs offer greater long-term value through enhanced durability, better performance, and reduced maintenance requirements. The increased efficiency of new LED wall packs translates to greater energy savings, which can further offset the higher upfront cost. Given these considerations, the choice between LED retrofit kits and new LED wall packs should be carefully evaluated based on the customer’s specific needs and long-term goals.

Are LED Retrofit Kits Still Cost-Effective Ways to Upgrade to LED Wall Packs?

As LED production becomes increasingly cost-effective due to advancements in manufacturing methods and materials, LED lighting on the market is more affordable than ever. This shift means that equivalent LED retrofit kits are no longer guaranteed to be the most economical option. If customers can now purchase a full LED wall pack fixture for the same cost as LED retrofit kits for wall packs, it raises the question: is it still worthwhile to install an LED retrofit kit?

The decision to retrofit a current wall pack or replace it entirely depends largely on whether the existing wall pack has a unique design or historical significance. Even then, the quality of the existing fixture housing is crucial. If the current wall packs are dingy, cracked, weathered, generally unserviceable, or have bad gaskets, a full replacement is often the better choice. Choosing the right LED retrofit kit for wall packs can also be challenging. Consumers need to carefully consider the type of wall packs they have installed and ensure they select an LED retrofit kit that fits properly. Installing the wrong retrofit kit can significantly reduce the lighting quality and efficiency of the LED system.

Replacing the LED Wall Pack Is Faster and Cheaper

As the LED boom continues, replacing LED wall packs will become essential for any property. Upgrading to new LED wall packs now will save more energy in the long term and virtually eliminate maintenance costs. Finding an equivalent LED wall pack replacement for metal halide fixtures is quick, simple and more efficient than locating an LED retrofit kit compatible with existing fixtures.

Return on Investment by Replacing a MH Light Fixture with an LED Wall Pack

In a recent case, a customer chose to replace his old metal halide wall pack lights with new LED wall packs instead of installing 50w LED retrofit kits. With the goal of increasing light levels for enhanced safety while reducing energy costs and maintenance, he opted for 32w high output LED large traditional wall packs to replace his 70w metal halide wall packs, and 63w high output LED large traditional wall packs to replace his 150w MH wall packs.


The 32w LED wall packs will increase light output by about 50% while reducing energy use by 64%. Each 32w LED wall pack will save the customer $843 over 10 years. The 63w LED wall packs will increase light output by about 67% while reducing energy use by 66%, saving approximately $1,745 per unit over 10 years. Replacing LED wall pack lights not only provides superior lighting but also delivers significant long-term financial benefits.

The Verdict—Replace the Old Wall Packs with New LED Wall Packs

By choosing to replace the old wall pack lights with new LED wall packs, the customer will save money on initial cost, energy costs (thanks to superior LED efficiency), and maintenance costs (given LEDs’ longer operating life of 100,000 hours).

Access Fixtures Lighting Specialists Can Make This Simple

If your wall pack lights are showing significant signs of age and light degradation, now is the time to upgrade. Access Fixtures is your factory-direct source for high-quality lighting. If you’d rather have an Access Fixtures lighting specialist provide recommendations on the best high-performance light solution or if you need help placing an order, call us at 800-468-9925. Our customer service team is located in Worcester, MA, and is ready to get you the light fixtures or support you need.


The steady growth in LED lighting market penetration, as highlighted by the Department of Energy, underscores its benefits in energy savings and reduced maintenance costs. While transitioning from traditional fluorescent lamps or fixtures can be daunting due to initial costs, the long-term advantages of LED lighting, including better color rendering (CCT) and higher lumens output, make it a compelling choice. Property managers often face the dilemma of choosing between replacing entire fixtures or investing in LED retrofit kits. Although LED retrofit kits can be cost-effective initially, new LED wall pack lights offer superior efficiency, longer lifespan, and greater overall value.


LED Wall Pack Replacement vs. Retrofit Kits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You have outdoor LED replacement versus retrofit kits questions. We have answers. If you have a question that isn’t answered below, contact an Access Fixtures lighting specialist at (800) 468-9925 or click here for more information.

What are LED retrofit kits?

LED retrofit kits are components that allow existing fixture housings to be upgraded to LED technology by replacing the internal elements.

Are LED retrofit kits more cost-effective than new LED wall pack lights?

Traditionally, LED retrofit kits were cheaper at installation, but new outdoor LED wall pack lights have become more cost-effective due to improved efficiency and longer lifespan.

How long do LED wall packs typically last?

New LED wall pack lights often have an operating life of around 100,000 hours, compared to approximately 50,000 hours for LED retrofit kits.

What factors should be considered when choosing between retrofitting and replacing wall packs?

Consider the quality and condition of the existing fixture housing, as well as any unique design or historical significance.

How do LED wall packs improve energy efficiency?

Outdoor LED wall pack lights are designed to use significantly less energy while providing higher light output (lumens), resulting in substantial energy savings.

What are the maintenance benefits of LED wall packs?

Outdoor LED wall pack lights have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance compared to traditional fluorescent lighting, leading to reduced maintenance costs over time.

Can LED retrofit kits fit all types of existing wall packs?

It’s crucial to choose an LED retrofit kit that matches the specific type and size of the existing wall pack to ensure proper fit and optimal performance.

What are the long-term financial benefits of replacing wall packs with LED wall packs?

Replacing old outdoor wall pack lights with new LED wall packs can save money on energy costs, maintenance, and initial installation, providing significant long-term financial benefits.

How do new LED wall packs compare to traditional metal halide light fixtures?

New LED wall pack lights offer higher light output (brightness), reduced energy consumption, and longer lifespan compared to traditional metal halide lamps or fixtures.

Why should I consider upgrading my old wall packs to LED?

Upgrading to outdoor  LED wall pack lights enhances safety with improved light levels, reduces energy and maintenance costs, and ensures more efficient and reliable lighting.