Access Fixtures received a call from a contractor grappling with a unique challenge.

Their customer sought to illuminate a flagpole towering at a remarkable height of 100 feet.

Lighting a flagpole from such a distance necessitates a substantial luminaire.

The contractor sought guidance on the most effective approach to illuminate this towering flagpole.

Access Fixtures provided the optimal solution utilizing a 23” box luminaire with a 1000w pulse start metal halide lamp and ballast.

Flag Lighting Photo

Achieving the desired effect required the luminaire to be strategically placed 20 to 25 feet away from the flagpole.

We employed an externally mounted slipfitter. Mounting the luminaire on a 2-foot pole mount.

This configuration ensured the flag received an ample 11-foot candle of white light. This created a striking and prominent display against the evening sky.

Constant advancements in LED technology have enabled Access Fixtures to produce lighting products that apply to almost every lighting situation.

Consult an Access Fixtures lighting specialist today for tailored solutions to your unique lighting challenges!

We are well-equipped to provide expert guidance in finding the most effective lighting solution for your specific needs whatever the application!