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Access Fixtures’ wildlife-friendly lighting is designed for use in coastal areas, roads, walkways, and parking lots to ensure safety while also minimizing the effect of light pollution on our wildlife. The LED lamps used in these fixtures are measured in nanometers, not in a specific Kelvin temperature. Kelvin and nanometers, while both referring to colors, do not measure the same thing and are not convertible.

What’s the deal?

Wildlife friendly LED lighting options

Wildlife LED Lighting Options Include: Bollards, Wall Packs, and Floodlights

Kelvin temperature indicates the perceived color of a light source. Available color temperatures range from 1000K to 8000K. The higher the temperature, the bluer the light will appear.
Nanometers (nm) measure a specific wavelength of light. Kelvin temperatures consist of a nearly infinite number of wavelengths to produce a perceived color. So even if the Kelvin temperature appears blue, it’s a combination of wavelengths at different nanometers.

Wildlife-friendly LED lamps have a specific wavelength of 590 nm. Access Fixtures wildlife-friendly fixtures include LED flood lights, LED wall packs, LED bollard lights, and LED garage lights. It’s critical to use wavelengths of 590 nm for wildlife-friendly lighting since this is the wavelength that is not visible to animals affected by light pollution.

Humans can see wavelengths between 400 and 750 nanometers. The two color spectrums below include high-pressure sodium and 660 nanometers. They are not the same even though the two measures display similar perceived colors.

While the Kelvin temperature consists of many different wavelengths of various nanometers, 660 nanometers is a specific color. This means a high-pressure sodium wall pack may harm wildlife, whereas an LED wall pack may not.